May 7, 2024

Value across the Life of an asset! - Digital twin - Is it just a physical avatar ?

The concept of a Digital Twin transcends a mere technological feature; it represents a comprehensive journey across an asset's life cycle. This journey encompasses everything from modeling in Pre-FEED and FEED stages to detailed P&ID and PFD development, advocating for a unified data and model visualization platform. The approach challenges conventional methods by questioning the need for fragmented data and redundant recreation at each stage. It suggests a paradigm shift towards a cohesive, interlinked system where asset information, starting from a simple PFD, is seamlessly integrated through all stages including design, construction, and operations, utilizing real-time IoT, cost, and time data to enhance efficiency and reduce rework.

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  • Digital Twin - It is not one single aspect , but a " Journey" throughout the life cycle of an asset .
  • It involves Modeling - all the way from Pre-FEED , FEED , P&ID's , PFD's and the basis of design.
  • Model / Data Visualization should be an Integral solution on a single platform. When asset is one single one - why should the data be Fragmented ?
  • Asset - Clash checks and detection should happen right at the early on design stage ! Why should the fragmented data be RE-CREATED at every single stage ? and assessed and checked ? where there can be a single data hub ? starting from the 3D Realistic Asset visualization ?
  • Why should multiple disciplines Recreate the asset information - interpreted by each individually ? How would that improve engineering ? Instead withe everyone's individual interpretation , only generates multiple copies of the asset at every stage- causing rework
  • Once asset generation starts in its simplistic Basis of design- Can it not be interlinked throughout all the way to Time , Cost , Real time IOT . After all they all are interlinked and thread starts from the simple basic PFD !
  • So in this case why should PFD be in 2D ?? Why not start building the asset using reverse engg? It is not written or documented PFD should be in 2D .
  • Pre-FEED , FEED , Detailed , Construction , Start-up Operations and Maintenance should be Initiated right from ONE single model all the way till the end .

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Value across the Life of an asset! - Digital twin - Is it just a physical avatar ?
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May 7, 2024

Value across the Life of an asset! - Digital twin - Is it just a physical avatar ?

The concept of a Digital Twin transcends a mere technological feature; it represents a comprehensive journey across an asset's life cycle. This journey encompasses everything from modeling in Pre-FEED and FEED stages to detailed P&ID and PFD development, advocating for a unified data and model visualization platform. The approach challenges conventional methods by questioning the need for fragmented data and redundant recreation at each stage. It suggests a paradigm shift towards a cohesive, interlinked system where asset information, starting from a simple PFD, is seamlessly integrated through all stages including design, construction, and operations, utilizing real-time IoT, cost, and time data to enhance efficiency and reduce rework.

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  • Digital Twin - It is not one single aspect , but a " Journey" throughout the life cycle of an asset .
  • It involves Modeling - all the way from Pre-FEED , FEED , P&ID's , PFD's and the basis of design.
  • Model / Data Visualization should be an Integral solution on a single platform. When asset is one single one - why should the data be Fragmented ?
  • Asset - Clash checks and detection should happen right at the early on design stage ! Why should the fragmented data be RE-CREATED at every single stage ? and assessed and checked ? where there can be a single data hub ? starting from the 3D Realistic Asset visualization ?
  • Why should multiple disciplines Recreate the asset information - interpreted by each individually ? How would that improve engineering ? Instead withe everyone's individual interpretation , only generates multiple copies of the asset at every stage- causing rework
  • Once asset generation starts in its simplistic Basis of design- Can it not be interlinked throughout all the way to Time , Cost , Real time IOT . After all they all are interlinked and thread starts from the simple basic PFD !
  • So in this case why should PFD be in 2D ?? Why not start building the asset using reverse engg? It is not written or documented PFD should be in 2D .
  • Pre-FEED , FEED , Detailed , Construction , Start-up Operations and Maintenance should be Initiated right from ONE single model all the way till the end .

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Value across the Life of an asset! - Digital twin - Is it just a physical avatar ?
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